Beach – The Great British Photography Challenge

The first episode of the Great British Photography Challenge aired earlier this week. Renowned photographer Rankin set a trio of challenges for the contestants, including Tyrone Williams from our hometown, Northampton.

Ahead of the show, we heard that the first challenge each week would be a one-hour, phone photography challenge, and figured it would be great to get some of the Amplitude gang* to have a stab** too.

And then we saw that the first challenge was “BEACH”…
And most of us are in the midlands…

So, with the nearest beach over an hour away, we expanded the definition of the one-hour challenge to “evoke the feeling of the beach”. Then we set everyone loose. Here are our shots:

*Please note: Not an actual gang
** Please note: Not an actual stab

Amelia – Sun and Trees

Amelia's submission to the Great British Photography Challenge shows a close up of the top of a book with sunglasses laid on top, and a blue sky and trees in the background.

The idea for this was the idea of sunbathing and reading a book with sun and clouds above. Love it! Nice work, Amelia!

Jo – Calm

Jo's submission to the Great British Photography Challenge is a close up of some pebbles with sand flowing in from the top right.

“For me (I’m a massive hippy) the beach is a place of tranquillity and recuperation – I think maybe I work too hard :joy:. Being 3 hours from the sea means I only go to the beach when I am switching off totally to chill. I aimed to create that meditative feeling using some pebbles in my back garden.”

Love the extra touch of movement on the right-hand side.

Emma – Tans are Built on Hope

Emma's submission to the Great British Photography Challenge shows R2D2 from Star Wars stood on an area of sand. Behind is a blue sky, which is actually a Lidl shopping bag.

“Living in Northampton during a lockdown means that the closest I got to a sandy beach was the overspill from a broken studio sandbag. At least R2D2 got to enjoy it…”

Will – Parts

Will's submission to the Great British Photography Challenge shows a carton of sea salt, a glass of sand, and a glass of water side by side.

Getting SUPER minimal. The beach, broken down into its constituent parts.

Lucas – The Beach House

Lucas' submission to the Great British Photography Challenge shows the side of a house that's been painted to show a beach scene. The scene includes the sea, palm trees, an octopus and a pirate ship.

Lucas snapped this shot of a building he passes every day while out walking the dog.

Ciara – Make Believe Beach Day

Ciara's submission to the Great British Photography Challenge shows her children, Ellie and Donovan, in beach gear in black and white.

Ciara got the family involved. “Ellie & Donovan are super excited to go on their beach adventure (at home)!”

Chris – Hark Triton, hark!

Chris' submission to the Great British Photography Challenge is a beach scene made from cut out paper of various colours.

And finally, Chris, at the cutting edge of photography. (Get it? Because he cut the… okay, I’ll leave)

Join the Challenge

Have you got a Beach picture you’d like to submit? Send us your snaps and we’ll feature them in our response to next week’s Great British Photography Challenge.